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Joseph Mallord William Turner

William ROFFE

(English engraver active between 1848 and 1884)


(Joseph Mallord William Turner)
Original steel engraving from the sculpture by Edward Hodges Baily (Bristol 1788 – Holloway 1867) appeared in 1858 on the famous English Art Periodical “The Art Journal” published in London by Virtue & Co. from the thirties of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth century.
Very nice example with some slight foxing spots otherwise in good general condition.
Edward Hodges Baily was an English sculptor and silver designer formed as a pupil of John Flaxman (York 1755 – London 1826) a leading artist in British and European Neoclassicism.
In 1809 he was admitted at the Royal Academy School, in 1817 he was elected as an Associate of the Royal Academy and in 1821 as a Full Member.
Amongst his hundreds of works the most famous remains the statue of Lord Nelson at Trafalgar Square, London.
The sculpture portrait of William Turner remained only a drawing because it was never executed.

Benezit “Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs"
Parigi 1976 vol.1 pag.384 (Baily)
Hunnisett “An Illustrated Dictionary of British steel engravers”
Cambridge 1989 pag.77.
O'Donoghue “Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum” London 1914 vol.4 pag.313.─tab=iconography

Size in mm: 320ca x 235ca sheet

Price: € 60,00