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(Carlsruhe 1820 - 1877)

Original steelengraving from the work “Géographie Universelle de Malt Brun” printed by Imprimerie Chardon and published by Boulanger et Legrand in Paris in 1864.
Beautiful example in perfect general condition and very nice watercoluring.
Charming general animated view of the town and harbour on the Chilean coast of the Pacific Ocean from the hills.
Edouard Willmann was a draftsman and engraver of the XIXth century German school, a pupil of Carl Frommel, was Professor at the Academies of Stuttgart and Frankfurt and made many views of cities visited on his long trips to the various continents that were published in Germany, France and England.

Benezit “Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs"
Parigi 1976 vol.10 pag.747.
Thieme - Becker "Allgemeines Lexicon der bildenden Kunstler"
Lipsia, s.d. vol. XXXVI pag.32.

Size in mm:165 x 260 sheet

Price: € 80,00