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after Heinrich Rudolf SCHINZ

(Zurich 1777 - 1861)


(a brazilian native of the Mura's Tribe)
Original lithograph from the graphic kit of the work “Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Menschen und der Saugetiere” printed by the swiss lithographer Honegger and published in Zurich between 1830 and 1835, of wich it is plate 45.
Nice example printed on wove paper, with small foxing spots more accentuated at the edges, otherwise in good general condition, embellished with a bright and accurate recent watercolouring..
Beautiful representation of a native of the Mura's Tribe (not Maura) from the region of Rio Madeira in Brazil.
The Mura occupy a wide area within the water complex of the Madeira, Amazon and Purus rivers. They live both on indigenous lands and in regional urban centers, such as Manaus, Autazes and Borba.
In their extensive contact history, they suffered various massacres, demographic, linguistic and cultural losses.
Originally they spoke an isolated language, later with the exchange with whites, blacks and other indigenous populations, they began to use the Nheengatú (General Amazonian Language). In the 20th century Portuguese became the main language used.
Today, despite historical changes, the Mura are making various efforts to be fully recognized as a differentiated people.
For a detailed history and decription of this Tribe see the articles in the references.

“Catalogue of the books manuscripts maps and drawings in the British Museum (Natural History)” Londra, 1903, vol. 4 pag. 1835.─tag=povo-mura

Size in mm: 325 x 235 sheet

Price: € 140,00