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William Wilberforce

Joseph BROWN

(English steel engraver active between 1836 and 1859)


(William Wilberforce an abolitionist of slavery)
Original steel engraving from the marble sculpture by Samuel Joseph (1791 – London 1850) appeared in 1858 on the famous English Art Periodical “The Art Journal” published in London by Virtue & Co. from the thirties of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth century.
Very nice example in perfect general condition.
Samuel Joseph was a British sculptor working in Edinburgh and London during the first half of the Nineteenth Century, His most famous work is the statue of William Wilberforce created in 1840 and set up in the north choir aisle of Westminster Abbey in London where Wilberforce was buried.
William Wilberforce was an eminent English politician and Member of Parliament from 1780 to 1825, close friend of Prime Minister William Pitt, he supported the campaign for the complete abolition of slavery that led to the “Slavery Abolition Act” of 1833 wich abolished slavery in most of the British Empire.

Benezit “Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs"
Paris 1976 vol.6 pag.109 (Joseph).
Hunnisett “ An Illustrated Dictionary of British steel engravers” Cambridge 1989 pag.19 e 20.

Size in mm: 320ca x 235ca sheet

Price: € 80,00